

It all started when…

We are a group of volunteers who raise funds and provide support to the Aurora Free Library, a community treasure in Aurora, NY.

Since 2004, we’ve held an annual Aurora Book Lovers’ Ball. The ball has grown into an exquisite evening - dinner by the Inns of Aurora, dancing to live music by Central New York favorites The Destination, and a silent auction featuring more than 200 items. The event is held each autumn at the Aurora Inn, overlooking Cayuga Lake. All proceeds benefit the library.

The ball raised over $27,000 in 2022.

This year, we hope to help the library tackle several long-needed capital projects, including repairs to the roof, front steps, and side door. An exciting undertaking will be installing air conditioning to the Morgan Opera House, located on the library’s second story, to allow use during those hot summer months!

We’re excited to announce that the 19th annual Book Lovers Ball will take place on Oct. 6, 2023. Tickets go on sale this summer. More details about the event to come. Stay tuned!